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Steal the show with our hottest rental!

spongebob musical!

Spongebob, Sandy and Patrick

WHAT WE DO . . .

Guys and Dolls Nathan Detroit

At Triple Threat, our costumes are more than just threads and fabric; they're storytelling magic that brings a production to life. From the leading lady to the unsung heroes of the supporting cast, our collection is a goldmine, infusing flair into your show. Renting from us isn't just a choice; it's a ticket to a whimsical world where costumes aren't just clothes but part of the story you tell.

Imagine every prop for a show arriving ready to rock? No hunting. No gathering. No problem-solving. No hot glue. It's like Christmas. Like, seriously. Like, directors have told us, "This is like Christmas!" Whether you need a full show package, a few items, or a Prop Master to collaborate with to build a prop package for a show based on your vision, we've got you! 

Amelie's Goldfish
Mamma Mia Set Decor

Set Decor

We swoop in like an interior designer and make a blank set come to life. Focusing on both the big picture and the smallest details, we make sure the world you want to create is functional, accurate, and "feels" like you imagined it would. Set dressing pieces are also available for rent. (Think of it: you never need to find a 1940's baby buggy or a gurney or, God forbid, "tables you can dance on" ever again. Ever.) 

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