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What We Do

Welcome to Triple Threat Design ...

your one-stop shop for costumes, props, and set decor!


Located in Atlanta, Georgia, we design, create, and rent show-stopping costumes, show-specific props, and show-stealing set decor.


Whether you're a high school drama club or a professional theater, you'll find what you need in our extensive and constantly-growing collection. And everything—whether a few pieces or a full-show package—can be delivered or shipped 

right to your stage door. 


And if you want to start from scratch, we can be your personal production team, providing custom pieces tailored to your personal vision. 


Whatever you need, we've got you covered.


We stock full-show packages and sppecialty, hard-to-find items, managing all of the sourcing, problem-solving, and building for you to provide creative, authentic, durable, and affordable hand props for any show.


Choose from our existing inventory or let us tailor a costume package designed specifically for your needs.

Set Decor

Stage decor and set pieces give texture and personality to a production, create the mood, and bring a stage to life. Our approach is both big-picture and hyper-detailed to ensure your vision is realized. Contact us for a consultation. 

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© 2023 Triple Threat Design

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